Muesli Slice…

….Or what I like to call throw it all together slice! I’m a big one for holding on to things a little while loooonger than most would consider okay. Home and lifestyle mags, clothing, books, recipes I might never use, leftover ingredients…yes, that one tablespoon of golden syrup sitting so snuggly in the neck of that plastic bottle or a few spoonfuls of that muesli I really like but doesn’t quite span far enough for a bowl at breakfast time!

Now I think this is possibly something that came from my Mum  (don’t get me wrong, she is certainly no hoarder!). I just love turning out all those leftover packets of different cereals, dried fruit, and a few seeds and nuts lying around and creating something new. By themselves, they barely make a meal but put them together and you’ve got a very scrumptious and fairly nutritious muesli slice. Just throw it all together and ta daaaa!

This is one of the easiest slice recipes I’ve come across too. I was able to throw it all together in a matter of minutes. Again with this one I just love the versatility in adding anything you like – apricots, dried fruit, nuts….even a little bit of chocolate..ooooh.

Muesli Slice

I got this basic recipe from Sanitarium but added my own bits and pieces I had sitting around in the cupboard. Different mueslis or cereals have different flavours, so experiment with a few to see which ones you like best.

  • 2 1/2 cups untoasted muesli (I combined two or three different cereals)
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup dried strawberries
  • 1/2 cup currants
  • 1/4 cup flaked almonds
  • 1 1/4 cups self raising flour
  • 125g margarine
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup honey

Pre heat oven to 175°C and line a 17cm x 27cm slice tin with baking paper or just spray a few times. Place muesli, coconut, strawberries, currants, almonds and flour in a large bowl. Melt margarine, with sugar and honey in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add to muesli and mix well to combine. Place mixture into prepared tin and smooth the surface. Bake 25 minutes or until golden. Cool completely before cutting into slices.

I iced my slice once it has cooled but it really is quite okay as it is!

For the icing

  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa
  • 2 and a half cups of icing sugar
Combined the cocoa and icing sugar with a little water. I always get this ratio very wrong but it seemed to be quite spreadable with 2 tablespoons. If you like a darker, more chocolaty taste – add more cocoa. This slice recipe is already quite low in fat compared to some slices but if you wanted to make it even more healthier…you could of course replace the 125 grams of margarine with 250 grams of apple sauce or puree!

5 thoughts on “Muesli Slice…

  1. Pingback: Ginger Slice | After Taste

  2. Amber Matthews

    Looks delicious… I’m like you… I really dislike wasting food… probably because I can make nice things like this … thanks

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. As you can probably tell I get great satisfaction from using up all the odds and ends in the pantry 🙂 This slice is really really nice. The ginger slice/crunch recipe I also have on this blog has a similar base. I think it only adds to the flavour!

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